A BIG thanks to the Casper Area Chamber of Commerce.

For donating this brand new and shiny Open Box Food Pantry. Your sponsorship for Casper s 4th Open Box Food Pantry is greatly appreciated.

Here To Help Foundation of Wyoming have placed a total of 20 Open Box Food Pantry’s in community(s) through out Wyoming.

When : Thursday April 28, 2022. Festivities start at 12:00pm
Location : 500 N. Center St, Casper Wyoming 82601

We are very thankful for your investment to the community.

If your in the neighborhood drop by and join in on the festivities. Our neighbors feeding neighbors food trailer will provide the community with food and drinks.

Thank you..

Walsh Family Fire Fundraiser

We wanted to thank everyone for all of their help helping the Walsh Family.

Thank you!

Donation box(s) have been placed. Richard has been all over letting everyone know how important it is that we do what ever possible to help the Walsh Family.

Thank you.

Walsh Family have been Wyoming residents for over 30 years.

Travis is a veteran and currently runs a cattle ranch. Tiffany watches over the home and takes care of the family .

Travis and his wife Tiffany have been together for 7 years. Married for almost 2 years. Between Travis & Tiffany they have 7 kids. Tavienna-18, Jacob-18, Orion-17, Ryan-13, Serenity-11, Kimberly-10 and Elizabeth-9.

They have just welcomed a granddaughter a little over a week ago.

The fire that tore through their home took everything, even the things that can never be replaced.

Travis & Tiffany are looking for a new home. It is very difficult for them as housing is expensive.

Here to Help Foundation of Wyoming wants to do what we can by  extending a hand. Lets get the word out that as a community we have an opportunity to reach out and help the Walsh family.

We are gearing up to do a fundraiser for the Walsh family by asking for donations, clothes and other items the family may need.

There are many ways to reach out and help.

  1. Our secure online donate button.
  2. We will be placing donation boxes at many convenience stores on the east side of Casper.
  3. Call 307-262-8548. We can drop by and pickup any items you would like to donate to the Walsh family.

Please pray for the Walsh family. GOD bless you!

Here To Help and the Walsh family would like to send a big shout out to our great first responders and fire department.. Thank you for your quick response and dedication. Thank you.

Bar Nunn Baptist Church Pantry Placement.

Sunday January 30 0222
Barr Nunn Wyoming
A town in Natrona County, Wyoming, United States.
Part of the Casper, Wyoming Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Pantry #19 has been set and stocked ready to serve anyone in need around the Bar Nunn community.

Thank you Inspiration Revelation for donating this pantry and thank you Bar Nunn Baptist Church and congregation for watching over it.


Community Presbyterian Church Pantry Placement

Sunday January 16, 2022

Lingle, Wyoming

Town in Goshen County, Wyoming, United States

We were invited to the Community Presbyterian Church in Lingle Wyoming. On January 16 we placed and stocked the 18th Here To Help Foundation of Wyoming Open Box Food Pantry.

Its stocked and ready to serve the Lingle Wyoming community. If you, your family or some one you know are going thru hard times you now have access to non perishable food items and things which may be needed to get thru the day.

Thank you Charlie, James, Melissa and Bruce for your Help! Your hard work and time are very much  appreciated.

More information.

Donation Collection Site. Superior / Marshall / Bolder Fire

Its been a real busy couple of day.

We have had a great time getting to see the local, out of town & out of state people &  organizations come together and make things work. Kind of one of those goose-bump moments knowing that you can make a difference.

Had a great time cooking up free meals for all of those volunteers & community members. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Still have people coming up that need to be fed.

Wish we could stay longer as there is much more to do. We will be heading back to Casper later this evening.



Our Trip to Parker Colorado. Superior / Marshall / Bolder Fire

We made it to the hotel in Parker Colorado safely.

Went into the hotel lobby and we were greeted with tables of donated items for the people that have been effected there in the  community. Its amazing seeing people in the community come together and provide help when its needed.

We traveled from Casper Wyoming to Parker Colorado with a trailer full of food and donated items .

Next stop is the Donation Collection Site at the Grace Baptist Church.

Superior / Marshall / Bolder Fire?

Have you seen or heard the news about the Superior / Marshall / Bolder Fire in Colorado?

We are in the process of planning & getting things ready for a trip down to Parker Colorado. We will be taking food and  items that have been donated from caring people here in Casper. We will be working with Grace Baptist Church and others.

Thank you Grace Baptist Church for putting this on for your community!

Thank you Douglas Budget!

Something you do really well. Covering our local news and keeping Douglas informed.

Your “Helping us help others”. Douglas Budget coverage of our Here To Help Foundation Food Wagon is appreciated and will help us spread the word.

Thank you Douglas Budget..

Veterans Day. Here To Help Foundation of Wyoming food wagon at the Veterans Administration in Douglas, Wyoming.