What a great opportunity to serve 150+ hot chocolate, cookies and candy to the members of our community that came out to watch the 2024 Casper CHRISTmas parade. Thank you Annie and WyoCentral FCU – Powered by Stage Point for a great place to set up and serve. Thank you to all the volunteers who came out to help serve and set up the Neighbors Feeding Neighbors food trailer.
Thanksgiving Dinner Giveaway
We cooked 2 turkeys, a ham, cranberry sauce, stuffing, green beans, rolls, potatoes and pumpkin pie Thanksgiving morning. We went out and where blessed with an opportunity to serve 25 full course Thanksgiving meals to some in our community. We are so thankful for the opportunity to serve others, our family and all who make what we do a possibility. We wouldn’t be able to do it with out your help! God bless each and every one of you this Thanksgiving day.
Set & Stock of Pantry #24
This kid has been helping me set and stock pantries since he was 1 years old and I’m so thankful for his help and his heart every time he does. We just set and stocked pantry #24 at Wellsprings Vineyard Church in Casper Wyoming. What a great opportunity to help this community and those who call it home. Pantry #24 is at 801 S Beverly St so if you or any one you know need something to eat head on over and get what you need.
Inflation Reduction Block Party
We had a blast at our 1st annual Inflation Reduction Block Party, one lucky winner walked away with over 450 dollars in a gift basket and all where fed. Thank you to Jimmy for providing us with over 3 hours of live music and to Walt and Kari at Wellsprings Vineyard Church in Casper Wyoming for helping us help others in our community.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
We had a great opportunity to team up with the FCA at Natrona County High School and feed 78 hot breakfast’s and 78 hot lunches to the kids and coaches who attended the lineman camp held in Casper Wyoming. These kids and coaches came from all four corners of Wyoming and we are sure they all have a bright future ahead of them. Jeremiah 29:11
Helping Raise Healthy Kids
We love partnering with the YMCA and Helping Raise Healthy Kids in our community. We where blessed to feed over 300 hot meals to everyone who attended off of our “Neighbors Feeding Neighbors” food trailer. This has been a blessing to us over the years and we look forward to the 2025 event coming up.
JR’s Hunt for Life “Hope Fest”
2019 Best of Douglas Award
Here To Help Foundation of Wyoming Receives 2019 Best of Douglas Award
This wouldn’t of been possible with out our many sponsors, ambassadors and all of the volunteers who have been so helpful..
We are very grateful of this consideration. Thank you.
Chicken Roping at the LaBonte Hotel in Douglas Wyoming!
August 14th, 2019
5pm – 9pm
Here to Help Foundation of Wyoming and the LB have teamed up along with Jomax Construction to bring you a great family fun event.
We have our pure bred roping chickens on hand trying to make you miss.
These Chickens have been specialty trained!
Lots of fun and excitement for the whole family! All proceeds will go to Here to Help Foundation of Wyoming to help with
our mission
“to help our community and those in need”
This is also a timed event so cowboys bring your hats and ropes and see if you can get in the money!
Special rounds and events to win extra prizes and gifts donated by many local businesses and organizations!
This event is brought to you by Jomax Construction, Hotel La’Bonte and Here to Help Foundation of Wyoming. Looking forward to seeing you there!

If you cant make this event and still want to help us with our “Open Box Pantries” and ” “NOT AN OPTION” campaign you can go to heretohelpwy.org/donations to show your support!
A very special moment for us.
A really big surprise came in the mail the other day.
We want to thank each and every city counsel member for their vote of confidence in
Our Mission
“helping our community and those in need”
Thank you City of Douglas! We are blessed to be apart of such a great community with great people! Thank you.
Helping the Smith family update!
We presented a check to the Smith Family this morning to help with Sterling’s medical expenses.
Thanks to everyone who donated to the donation boxes we have placed through out Douglas and the Casper metro area. Your online donations have helped in a big way.
Sterling and her family needs our help as they deal with this unexpected medical emergencey. You can drop coin or cash into our donation box(s) located in east Casper and Douglas retail and grocery stores or you can donate via our donation page. Thank you!
“Sterling is Four Years old; loves dance, preschool, & anything outdoors. Our bubbly, sassy, & sweet little girl took a scary health turn on Friday April 2019”.

A really big thank you to SNAFU LLC ,
Hulett police Department and Town Hall. Your help and sponsorship helps
our mission
“helping our communities and those in need”
Thank you for all the support and helping us help others!
Our trip to Hulett, Wyoming
Hope to see you in Hulett, Wyoming to help us set our 11th open box pantry donated by SNAFU, LLC
As you can see.. It a great day in Wyoming.
Thank you everyone!
Open Box Food Pantry placement in Wheatland, Wyoming
Here To Help Foundation of Wyoming, A few of our ambassadors and other enthusiastic people were on hand to help with the placement and stocking Wheatland’s very first new Food Pantry. Sunday February 10, 2019 was a great day.
Impact Ministries of Wheatland, Wyoming has taken on the responsibility to help with our mission. Helping communities thru out Wyoming and anyone in need.
Its a big responsibility. Impact Ministries and Here to Help Foundation of Wyoming with the support of the community can do this.

Stocked pantries are available to anyone at any time 24/7/365. No questions asked. No forms to fill out. No locks or keys.
Thank you Impact Ministries and those of you that helped & share our enthusiasm for helping others. Thank you.

Here to Help Foundation Benefit at the LB Hotel Reception Area
We wanted to shout out a big thank you to our sponsors and everyone who attended our Every Little Bit Helps Benefit at the historical Hotel LaBonte in Douglas, Wyoming. It was such a great and happy time for all.
Thank you so much.
Here To Help Foundation of Wyoming and sponsors will be hosting a benefit at the historical Hotel LaBonte on Saturday February 2nd starting at 6:00 pm in Douglas, Wyoming. A chance to win door prizes and participate in a silent auction. Auction items are provided by local businesses and sponsors. Make plans to attend and help us help others.. Every little bit helps in so many ways. Thank You.

From all of us at Here To Help Foundation of Wyoming

2018 was a great year
There are so many of you who have been so helpful and committed towards helping your communities.
Thank you! Lets do it again in…

Help us help E’Lanae and her family.
Last year in November of 2017, E’Lanae was rushed to the ER with right side facial drooping, slurred speech, and right side body weakness. Although they ruled out a stroke, her doctors still have not figured out why she is continuing to decline.
E’Lanae has been to specialists, physical therapists, and more. It took months of physical therapy and steroid treatment before her facial muscles were back to normal. She has been referred to the Mayo clinic and we are all hoping that they find a diagnosis and a treatment.
- Many barriers are affecting successful treatment for E’Lanae.
- Expenses for the medical care.
- Expenses for travel for the 2 week treatment process.
E’Lanae is an amazing wife, mother and teacher with a heart of gold. She works so hard and loves too much.
E’Lanae needs our positive thoughts as her illness is taking over.
Here to Help Wyoming will be sponsoring a month long fundraiser to help with the travel and medical expenses.
You can help us help E’lanae and her family. Please donate online at heretohelpwy.org/donations..
You can also drop any left over coins or cash into our donation boxes we have located at local businesses in Douglas Wyoming. Every little bit will help E’Lanae and her family
Thank you….
Helping the Douglas School District Lunch Program
For the 2nd year we were presented a Christmas time donation from an anonymous donor in Douglas Wyoming .
Last year these donation allowed us to provide full course Christmas dinners for numerous families in Douglas Wyoming.
This year we applied the donation to help those behind on payments for school lunch for their children at the 5 different Douglas Schools.
Thank you anonymous donor! Your help has made a major impact in “helping our community and those in need!”
2nd and 3rd grade classes food drive.
2nd and 3rd grade classes held their 2018 food drive to help us with our mission!
We were very inspired by these beautiful children, their big hearts and response helping others.
It is awesome to be apart of this great community!
Thank you all for helping us help others.
Every One is invited.. Free Bowling and Pizza.
Great turn out to our bowling and free food benefit at the Pinz Bowling in Douglas! We received many donations for our pantries so we can reach out and help.
Many families and kids had a great time bowling and enjoying free pizza and soda provided by Pinz Bowling .
Thank you to every one who came and donated.
We can not express in words our appreciation to Schultz Family and Thrivent Financial.. who had a hand in making this event possible. Your support is the reason we are able to “help our community and those in need”!
If your looking for something to do with the kids we would highly recommend the House of Pinz.
A really big thank you to the Schultz Family and Thrivent Financial people who made this such a fun and enterprising event.
Our community really appreciates every thing you have done for us.
Thank you..