Every One is invited.. Free Bowling and Pizza.

Great turn out to our bowling and free food benefit at the Pinz Bowling in Douglas! We received many donations for our pantries so we can reach out and help.

Many families and kids had a great time bowling and enjoying free pizza and soda provided by Pinz Bowling .

Thank you to every one who came and donated.

We can not express in words our appreciation to Schultz Family and Thrivent Financial.. who had a hand in making this event possible. Your support is the reason we are able to “help our community and those in need”!

If your looking for something to do with the kids we would highly recommend the House of Pinz.

House of Pinz BenefitWhat great fun for everyone.

A really big thank you to the  Schultz Family and Thrivent Financial people who made this such a fun and enterprising event.

Our community really appreciates every thing you have done for us.

Thank you..

Are you going to get out and vote?

Or are you just along for the ride?

Just a friendly reminder tomorrow November 6, 2018 we get to exercise our right to vote for our choices for the Senate and the House.

It’s important that you take the leadership role and get your family and friends to the voting polls.

Happy voting


Fort Laramie Area Community Food Pantry Placement

Get the whole story from the local Star Herald.

The Great State of Wyoming has another Here to Help Foundation of Wyoming non-perishable Open Box Food Pantry.

A big SHOUT OUT to the Members of the Greater Fort Laramie Area for sponsoring this endeavor.

Helping us to helping others. THANK YOU for serving the needs of the Greater Fort Laramie Area Community.

Here to Help Foundation of Wyoming, and the community of Fort Laramie  is introducing Pantry Number 8.

We fill it and you can use it. Its contents are available for anyone at any time. No questions asked. No forms to fill out. No locks, 24 hours a day.

Another step towards growing our community’s strength and helping others.

Non-perishable items, personal care, new socks and underwear, and books.

Here To Help Foundation of Wyoming is excited to be apart of the Greater Fort Laramie Area Community.

A very precious moment. Great people, great community with great ideas.

We are excited to see the benefits of our “Greater Fort Laramie Community Food Box,”

Thank you . Vickie’s Saloon for your catering services and all of the good food .

We are collecting for our 2nd Annual Christmas Dinner Meals.

Christmas Dinner

Its never to early to start  collecting for our 2nd annual Christmas Dinner Blessing.

Because of your help last year we were able to help over 30 families and we hope this year we will be able to help even more.

All donations made online or through our donation boxes set up around town will go to help those family’s who are not  able for what ever reason have a hot Christmas dinner meal!

Send your Check or Money Order  to – Here To Help Foundation of Wyoming,  P.O. Box 454 Douglas Wyoming 82633.

It’s easy to donate on our donation page

If you are able to volunteer to help us with the cooking and meal delivery  call us at .. 307-262-8548.

email – heretohelpwy@samsystems.info will work also.

UPDATE!! Open Box Food Pantry #8 in Fort Laramie Wyoming time and date.

For those who may have missed it.. Your donations/check for Hunter and his family (see previous post) has been delivered. Thank you. This is really going to help Hunter and his family.

It’s been a really busy September with wedding’s, business, work and calls.

Friday, October 26, 2018 at 11 AM – 2:01 PM has been set for placement of the Fort Laramie Open Box Food Pantry.  Location of the Pantry will be at North Park on Otis street.

Pantry #8 Location
Pantry #8 Location in Fort Laramie, Wyoming

We are gearing up and taking the necessary steps to place our new model of Pantry in Historical Fort Laramie Wyoming

This model (X2-Book Speed Read)  pantry will  accommodate the free librarian compartment.  Pantry has an reserved area for books

As soon as we get confirmation for location we will set the date and let every one know.

 Great people, great community and great ideas.

We are blessed to be apart of the Fort Laramie community.


UPDATE!! Hunter & the Seirs Family really appreciate your help

We presented a check to Hunter Siers this afternoon, his recovery is going good.

Hunter should be headed back to school in the next couple of weeks.

Thank you to every one. Your online and community boxes  donations can make a BIG difference in some ones current situation and life..

We wouldn’t be able to do it without your support and all of the help we receive from the community.

A really big Thank you!

Hunter Seirs, a hard worker from Douglas Wyoming was crushed by a cattle guard while working on it  between Orin and Douglas.

He had to be life plighted to Denver due the extent of his injuries.  Very difficulte time for Hunter and the Seirs family!

All donations made through the heretohelpwy.org donations.
from now to the 25th will go to him and his family.

Mayson’s Journey with Tuberous Sclerosis. Your help is needed.

Wyoming we would like to introduce you to Mayson.

Mayson has just turned 9 on the 28th of August.

Mayson was hit by a drunk driver on May 9th in Casper, Wyoming. He suffered a brain aneurysm due to the impact and while in the hospital the doctors found a tumor on his brain and was diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis.

His family has fallen on financial hardships due to multiple trips and lengthy stays to hospitals and we are going to help Mayson’s family in any way we can.

Here To Help Foundation of Wyoming has joining the wave of community support to help the Mayson’s family.

You have an opportunity to help us help Mayson’s family by donating and helping us support Mayson. Here To Help Foundation of Wyoming will commit our funds and include everything that is donated to heretohelpwy.org/donations.

We are planning to distribute funds to the family on or a little after September 8, 2018.

You can follow Mayson’s journey @mightmayson2009.

More information here

Please SHARE

Community turn out to help Falkenburgs was unprecedented. Thank you!

Nikki presenting a check to Mrs. Falkenburg. Here to Help Foundation of Wyoming  raised the funds via online donations and the last First Thursday in Douglas Wyoming.

Community turn out to help with clean up the mess and property damage caused by the tornado that passed thru their property was unprecedented.. You helped turn a disaster into a positive for the Falkenburgs.

The Falkenburgs are very grateful to those who stepped up to help! You are what makes #wyomingstrong. Thank You!

307-262-8548 .. heretohelpwy@samsystems.info .. heretohelpwy.org/donations

Suicides in Wyoming 4th Highest in the Nation!

Wyoming is ranked the 4th highest in the nation for suicides! 80% of suicides in Wyoming are grown men. I believe we as a community can/should do more by spreading this very simple message, “suicide is Not An Option, there is always something else to do!” What ever the reason… there is another path to take with a much brighter out come!

Help us spread this message by a donation to heretohelpwy.org/donations. Donations of 30$ or more will receive a t-shirt and free sticker. Enter “NOT AN OPTION” and address information in the message box during the donation process. Thank You!

Suicide Prevention Hotline – 800-273-8255

Wyoming Behavior Institute ( WBI ) 800-457-9312

Wyoming Suicide Network – 800-784-2433

How do I get help if I’m homeless or at risk of becoming homeless

Crisis Line – 800-684-2030 text WYO to 741-741

Veterans Crisis Line – 1-800-273-8255  (Press 1)

Deer Creek Days in Glenrock Wyoming


Thank you Wyoming, we are set up at Deer Creek Days in Glenrock Wyoming.

Plains Gift Shop ice cream wagon is setup and ready to go.

Our Glenrock Open Box Pantry is stocked with lots of food items !

208 miles traveled. Takes 11 hrs to check and stock our open box food pantries (Notice Maria missing from one of the photos, she was napping)

Thank you Glenrock Wyoming, We had a great time at Deer Creek Days, Jim Schell, Aj Hakala thanks for making this possible.

Thank you to every one who enjoyed the ice cream and cotton candy.

Glenrock Wyoming Deer Creek Days

We are set up here at the Glenrock Wyoming Deer Creek Days. We are serving  cold  ice cream on the Plains Gift Shop ice cream and cotton candy wagon.

Come enjoy some ice cream and cotton candy. Help us fill our pantries around Wyoming! Thanks..