Falkenburgs tornado disaster

The tornado that hit above Douglas Wyoming hit a local families ranch.

The Falkenburg’s are a great part of this community and we would like to help them out. I imagine insurance covers some but not all. All donations received through heretohelpwy.org/donations from now to friday the 2nd will go to the Falkenburg’s to help with this disaster.

For our local Douglas community we have a drop off set up at the Plains Motel front office for food products, bottle water, hygiene products and anything else you can donate. Thank you

Heretohelpwy@samsystems.info .. 307-262-8548 .. Heretohelpwy.org/donations

UPDATE : Pantry Location Map

Has any one noticed?

We have been really busy placing pantry’s and keeping them stocked.

If you want to get involved and help us with non-perishable items and toiletry stuff visit the contact link above and let us know.

Donations are greatly appreciated and encouraged. Thank you.

A first for Niobrara County Lusk, Wyoming.. Location of their Open Box Food Pantry

This morning we were in Lusk, Wyoming to set things up for the placement of their first open box pantry in the county of Niobrara at the Best Western Pioneer Motel on Main Street Lusk Wyoming.

Pantry is located a few steps south of the Best Western Pioneer Motel right here on Main Street in Lusk.

Thank you Tom and Best Western Pioneer Motel for providing the location for the Open Box Food Pantry..

Thank you Jerry’s Welding Service for your contribution. Your donations made this all possible.

best part, adding food items for those who may need them.
All done.. Just a few finishing touches and some shine.


4th of July in America Shout

Sitting here and counting my many blessings. 99, 100, 101 …. 110.

4th of July is one of them.

Here To Help Foundation of Wyoming asking you to drive slow. Be safe.. Fasten that seat belt. Arrive alive.

From all of us to all of you.. Have a safe and happy 4th of July.

We and the community are so thankful for your support and encouragement. Thank you.

Badger Creek Fire Status

Badger Creek Fire Post Update

8 July 2018

Was looking at the weather forecast on KCWY News 13. Our thoughts are with the men and women still up there working the fire.

Gosh I can’t imagine what the men and women are having to go thru as they continue working on the Badger Creek Fire west of Laramie.

According to Rocky Mountain Incident Management Team site the fire is 90 percent contained. Yea.. they are making progress

Just wanted to throw out a really big thank you to the men and women on the fire line.

Your service, hard work getting the job done is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

17 June 2018

Douglas, Wyoming has been concerned for those who have been touched by the effects of the Badger Creek Fire. We wanted to help out the young women and men on the front line as the fire went from a few acres to many thousands of acres.

Here To Help Foundation of Wyoming has started a fire donation drive to collect items to help the fire fighters.

Through word of mouth and social media the wave has started.

When we arrived in Laramie we found that the authorities had closed the roads and access to the fire camp was not possible.

We attended a meeting that took place at the Laramie Fair Grounds.

Rocky Mountain Incident Management Team provided information to the public and those who have been effected by the fire. Details concerning fire fighting progress and information for those who had to be evacuated.

After the meeting I ran into a local volunteer fire fighter who had set up facilities at his shop where donations could be dropped off.

Thank you Tracy for helping us get our donations to the fire camp.

Thank you and those you serve with for your much needed service.

Lockup For Charity Detention Status.

Managed to make it through detention with out any time added for bad behaviour. We were glad to get those cuffs off. Release went thru without a hitch execpt for all the paper work involved. After the sheriff took the handcuffs off we managed to get some nice pictures of this eye opening experience.

What a fun day at the Joint Justice Center in Douglas, Wyoming. We really appreciate all of the donations and emotional support during our time in lockup.

Thank you to the officers and staff of the Converse County Sheriffs Office. You made this event fun and very informative. You really have a nice state of the art facilities to work in.

Koltons Karnival. A really big thank you for providing all the yummie food. Biscuits and gravy, pancakes and coffee were awsome and very very much apprecialed. Thank you.

Believe me.. It wasn’t easy.. Some can take it. Some cant.

Locked Up For Charity Douglas Wyoming

Tomorrow, Saturday June 30, 2018  9:00am processing for lockup begins at the Converse County Sheriffs and the Joint Justice Center in Douglas, Wyoming

Would you go to jail for your favorite charity? We would and we are.

Our release depends on the bond money you can provide.  Your donations gets us out so we  can continue our very important mission.

See you there!!

Lemonade Day is this Saturday, June 23


This would be a great day to gather up the family get in the car, on your bikes or just running around.

Stop in support your neighborhood lemonade stands.

Lemonade Day is a free, fun, experiential learning program that teaches youth how to start, own and operate their own business – a lemonade stand. The event is sponsored by Hilltop National Bank.

SHOUT: Donations Delivery to Fire Fighters Badger Creek Fire.

Our truck and trailer will be leaving the collection site at the Plains Restaurant and Motel on Richards Street  Douglas, Wyoming at noon tomorrow 06/16/2018.

We will deliver your donations to provide help to those affected by the Badger Creek Fire. Delivering things they need to get thru this very difficult time.

Lets get as much as possible on the truck and trailer. This will really help our guys and gals who are battling this fire. Appearances indicate they may be fighting this fire for some time.

Any thing you can help with would be greatly appreciated. Cash donations can be made here or in our donation box at the Plains Restaurant and Motel on Richards Street.

Suggestions : bottled water, Gatorade-type drinks, lip balm, eye drops, sunscreen, bug spray, wet wipes and other toiletries as well as snacks such as granola bars, fruit snacks and fresh fruit.

Badger Creek Fire in South Western Wyoming

According to ..” Badger Creek Fire Update  “.. Our fire fighters are still fighting hard and the fire is still 0% contained.

We are in the process of organizing  a truck and trailer to take down to the fire line to provide what we can to make sure the fighters have the things they need.

You can drop water, hygiene needs and any other things you can think of that our brave fire fighters will need. Drop off is at the Plains Restaurant and Motel on Richards Street in Douglas Wyoming.

Lets see what can be done on this end. Donations and other items would be greatly appreciated.

Jackalope Days : Thank you everyone!

What a great turn out. Jackalope days in Douglas Wyoming was a huge success.

Thank you every one who put it together and made it happen. So So much hard work.

Those of you who stopped by and left non-perishable food items and donations to support our mission! Thank you!

What a awesome community we get to call home! …. Thank you !

Jackalope Days. Down Town Douglas Wyoming 6-9-18

We will be taking to the street all day tomorrow getting the next open box pantry ready to be set and stocked to support those in the community who need the help.

Join us at Jackalope days in down town Douglas Wyoming. Look for our ice cream wagon it really stands out. We have free cotton candy, ice cream and soda. You can drop off any items you might be able to provide of non-perishable

  • items like
    • bottled water,
    • Gatorade-type drinks,
    • lip balm,
    • eye drops,
    • sunscreen,
    • bug spray,
    • wet wipes
    • granola bars
    • fruit snacks
    • toiletries, hygiene
    • baby items. Diapers, oils and creams.

Thanks for all you do.. Your help is really appreciated.

SHOUT OUT! Thank you Laura for all you do!

Laura has been helping us with the placement of food and other items in non-perishable open box food pantries.

Pantries are currently located in Douglas, Casper, Glenrock and Glendo.

Do you have some  non-perishable food items or other items such as baby items to donate and can’t get to one of our pantries please call or pm us on Facebook @heretohelpfoundationofwyoming . Arrangements can be made to pick up the items. Our email address is below.

Summer is about to begin, the pantries are placed Here To Help Wyoming!

Thank you Laura for all you do..

More Casper pantry location information here.

If you can help us help others in the community please make a donation. Thank you….  heretohelpwy.org/donation
